online resistor, capacitor calculator

Online calculator - 2%, 5%, 10% SMD resistor


3 color bands,   4 color bands,   5 color bands,   6 color bands,   3 digit SMD,   4 digit SMD,   EIA-96 1% (11A format),   2% / 5% / 10% (A11 format)

Capacitors and Inductors:

ceramic, film & tantalum capacitor 3 digit code,   4 color band inductor

Calculate 2%, 5%, 10% SMD resistor: D22

Enter resistor value to get code:
Choose code to get SMD resistor value:
  Y / R  
  X / S  

Standard SMD Resistor Values - decade 100 to 1000 kΩ

2% tolerance5% tolerance10% tolerance
100 kΩ, 110 kΩ, 120 kΩ, 130 kΩ
150 kΩ, 160 kΩ, 180 kΩ, 200 kΩ
220 kΩ, 240 kΩ, 270 kΩ, 300 kΩ
330 kΩ, 360 kΩ, 390 kΩ, 430 kΩ
470 kΩ, 510 kΩ, 560 kΩ, 620 kΩ
680 kΩ, 750 kΩ, 820 kΩ, 910 kΩ
100 kΩ, 110 kΩ, 120 kΩ, 130 kΩ
150 kΩ, 160 kΩ, 180 kΩ, 200 kΩ
220 kΩ, 240 kΩ, 270 kΩ, 300 kΩ
330 kΩ, 360 kΩ, 390 kΩ, 430 kΩ
470 kΩ, 510 kΩ, 560 kΩ, 620 kΩ
680 kΩ, 750 kΩ, 820 kΩ, 910 kΩ
100 kΩ, 120 kΩ
150 kΩ, 180 kΩ
220 kΩ, 270 kΩ
330 kΩ, 390 kΩ
470 kΩ, 560 kΩ
680 kΩ, 820 kΩ

Other resistance decades:
0.1 - 1 Ω, 1 - 10 Ω, 10 - 100 Ω, 100 - 1000 Ω, 1 - 10 kΩ, 10 - 100 kΩ, 100 - 1000 kΩ, 1 - 10 MΩ, 10 - 100 MΩ

The SMD resistor code D22 stands for 750 kΩ / 2%, in words: seven hundred and fifty Kiloohms with two percent tolerance.

SMD resistors with a 2%, 5% or 10% tolerance can be marked using A11 format (letter followed by two digits). The letter indicates the multiplier. The digits (numbers) range from 01 to 60. They have a double function: they indicate the value and the tolerance at the same time. The numeric combinations from 01 to 24 indicate 24 values of the E24 table and a 2% tolerance. The combinations from 25 to 48 indicate 24 values of the E24 table again, but with a 5% tolerance. Finally, the combinations from 49 to 60 indicate 12 values of the E12 table with a 10% tolerance. The usage of a letter prevents the confusion with 3-digit marking system. The letter is at the beginning to prevent confusion with EIA-96 marking of +/- 1% resistors. Code "D03", for example, indicates a 120 kiloohm resistor. The number 03 indicates the 3rd value of the E24 table (120) and D indicates multiplication by 1000. The value is then 120 x 1000 = 120 000 ohms or 120 kiloohms. The number is in 01 - 24 range, so the tolerance is 2%. Code "D27" means the same value (120 kiloohms) but with a 5% tolerance, because range 25 - 48 means 5%. Number 27 is 3rd in this range, indicating the 3rd value of E24 table - value 120. Letter D indicates multiplication by 1000, just like in the previous example. Code "D51" is a 150 kiloohm resistor. The tolerance is 10%, because the number is in the 49 to 60 range. Number 51 is 3rd in this range, indicating the 3rd value of E12 - value 150. Letter D multiplies by 1000 as always. Note that 2% and 5% resistors have 24 possible values per decade, while 10% resistors only have 12 possible values per decade.

This is a simple online calculator for color band resistor marking, inductor color band marking, ceramic, film or tantalum capacitor 3 digit marking and SMD resistor 3-digit, 4-digit, 10%, 5%, 2% and EIA-96 (E96) 1% tolerance code marking.

This tool is for reference only. I do not guarantee correctness of any information provided. You use this website at your own risk.